SkyWest Supports On Board With Autism

“You all let my son be just a kid yesterday without any labels,” said the mother of a young boy who participated in our recent On Board with Autism event. “The smile on him was pure happiness – the way it should be for a 7-year-old getting to experience his first plane.”

Late last month, nearly 30 kids and their families boarded a SkyWest aircraft in Erie, Pennsylvania (ERI). Unlike a typical flight, though, the plane never left the ground. That’s because the flight was actually part of On Board with Autism, an event organized by the Autism Society Northwestern Pennsylvania.

These events are designed for autistic children and their families to practice what it’s like to travel. Each of the children and their families checked in at the counter, received a boarding pass, went through TSA screening, boarded the SkyWest aircraft, and had a chance to talk with our crewmembers.

Thank you to everyone involved including our SkyWest crew; Captain Jason McCormick, First Officer Mirwais Sherzoy, and Flight Attendants Joseph Searcy and Abra Everett, for your assistance in making this a positive and memorable experience for everyone involved.

SkyWest is a proud supporter of World Autism Awareness Day and the opportunity to be involved in events like this. Visit Autism Speaks for information and resources on advocacy, diagnosis, health providers, support, treatment, and more.


From Passenger to Pilot in N712SK

Many young passengers dream about what it would be like to be in the flight deck, flying an airplane when they are traveling. For SkyWest CRJ First Officer Derek Baker, that dream truly came full circle when he recently made an unexpected discovery.

“I was going through some old photos and found an image from when my family and I visited Salt Lake City, Utah on a ski trip,” said Derek. “After taking a closer look at an image of 10-year-old me at the airport, I knew that I recognized the tail number, N712SK. It was definitely a SkyWest aircraft!”

Derek has been a CRJ pilot with SkyWest for almost four years now and was completely unaware of the connection he had with N712SK.

“After a week of finding that photo, I flew the same tail number from Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas (DFW) to Austin, Texas (AUS),” he said.

Following the flight, Derek made sure to re-create his childhood photo in front of the aircraft that he now operates as a pilot. He noted how surprising it was to find the image of his younger self and how much he loves being able to fly the aircraft as a pilot.

Celebrating Women’s History Month

In honor of Women’s History Month, we asked a few women to share their thoughts about what this month means to them and their experience at SkyWest.

I flew as a pilot with SkyWest for eight years and it’s the highlight of my career. I was proud to be the first female check airman and was excited to instruct alongside some of the best in the industry. I had fun at SkyWest and learned a lot from the pilots I flew with. I’m grateful for the steps that SkyWest took to be more inclusive. That’s what this month means to me, creating a space for more women to do what they’re best at. If you’re at SkyWest now, you’re already doing great. Stick at it and keep going! SkyWest has helped take my career to new heights and it’s the best place to be.

-Roxanne Diamantopoulos – First Female Check Airman at SkyWest, Former CRJ Pilot

Never reduce yourself down to your sex and never reduce others down to their sex either. I’ve been with SkyWest for 16 years now, and I haven’t come across any barriers or glass ceilings in moving up the ladder, due to my sex. I believe that I was the first female QC manager years ago. I believe, I’ve held at least six different positions here at SkyWest. I’ve had opportunities to start new positions and assist with various projects that were up-and-coming, such as transitioning from paper AML to electronic AML. My advice to women in our industry is the same for any individual in our industry. If you are interested in something, go for it! Don’t shy away from the hard work that it will take to get you there. Work on improving your skills and understanding of the operation. Talk to leadership, inform them of your goals, and ask them for any tips on how to improve or gain the skills necessary for your next leap. Get out there and see what’s available to you. Being a women shouldn’t make a difference. We shouldn’t create restrictions for ourselves, and we shouldn’t assume others have preconceived notions about what a female can or cannot do.

-Rachel Pergram – QC Process Trainer and First Female QC Manager MX, Fresno, California (FAT)

This month is about increasing opportunities for women to learn so that they can become leaders. That’s what SkyWest did for me. I was based in Los Angeles, California for 12 years and that’s where I learned all the tricks of my trade. I’m always grateful for the potential that SkyWest saw in me and the opportunities they gave me to lead. If aviation is your passion, SkyWest is the best place to refine your skills and to learn from the best in our industry. I’ve been at my current job for six years now, and I’m continually using the knowledge that I gained at SkyWest to lead my team and to show other women, especially women of color, that we can lead and make significant contributions in any space.

-Chyna Soloi – Former AO Manager, Los Angeles, California (LAX)

Being with SkyWest for almost six years now, I’ve seen how diversity within the company has evolved, and it’s been significant. It’s really great to be a part of that change. Being inclusive has brought us closer together, and I’ve learned so many new things from my colleagues. I love that we’re all different and unique. In this industry, that diversity can only make things better. This month, I want all the women in aviation to embrace all the greatness that comes with our jobs. Don’t be afraid to live your dreams, especially if it’s being a flight attendant.

-Voulanda Thomas – Flight Attendant, Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas (DFW)

I love SkyWest so much! I was a recruiter with SkyWest for many years and I’m so happy to talk about SkyWest any day. I learned so many valuable lessons from my team and from the different people I was able to meet because of my job at SkyWest. Being a woman in this industry can seem tough, but with SkyWest I never felt like that. I was part of a team that consisted of strong women and who were leaders. SkyWest is full of the brightest women in the industry, it’s seriously the best. If you’re at SkyWest now, you’re opening a door of endless possibilities because of the great company you are representing. I miss my SkyWest days and I’m lucky to have been a part of a great team.

-Ana (Kinikini) Watanabe – Former Pilot Recruiter, Salt Lake City, Utah (SLC)

I’ve had a career in aviation for over a decade – since I graduated high school, and I’m always so excited to see how many more women have joined the industry. SkyWest is working hard at creating more opportunities for women to be in leadership positions, and I think it’s important that we have more people in positions who will help create an inclusive environment for everyone. I am excited to celebrate Women’s History Month with my colleagues and I’m excited that SkyWest is celebrating the incredible women of this company.

-Lia Tausinga – AO, Salt Lake City, Utah (SLC)

Joining SkyWest has been the best and it’s extremely freeing to have a career that I love. I also love this industry because of the close-knit group that we have, it’s like a family. I have always felt like I belonged, and everyone I’ve flown with or spoken to has always been supportive. My advice to the women in our industry, follow your dreams. Join as many organizations as possible and get involved. I’ve met with so many women who were supportive of my journey and they’ve given me the best advice. We always need more women to be pilots, and I am grateful for the position I am in to help them do that.

-Kenzie Flanagan – ERJ First Officer, Chicago, Illinois (ORD)

Thank you to all the incredible women who have and are working at SkyWest, and who help us accomplish so much. Learn more about joining our incredible team!

Black History Month: Celebrating Their Heroes

In honor of Black History Month, we asked several SkyWest team members to share their unique stories and tell us why this month is so important to them.

Nick Goodlett – DEN CRJ First Officer
Three years ago, First Officer Nick Goodlett boarded a flight to Denver, Colorado and started his SkyWest journey. He began his trip as research for a potential job but left with an experience that changed his career for the better.

“Being a new cadet was nerve-wracking and I didn’t expect much from my visit,” said Nick. “Then I was experiencing and doing my own research about things that I hadn’t been able to before. I met so many great employees and after only one day of experiencing the SkyWest culture, I knew this is where I wanted to be.”

During this month, Nick says he reflects on all the great influences in his life and career. He likes to think of one person in particular, Ronald McNair, an American NASA astronaut and physicist who died during the launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger. Inspired by Ronald’s story of perseverance and determination, Nick was strengthened and uplifted to do more and to become a pilot.

“My favorite story of Ronald McNair is of him being kicked out of library because of his skin color,” said Nick. “He was prevented from learning because he was black. I would’ve been upset if that happened to me, but Ronald didn’t get upset, he grew from this. He overcame that obstacle and many more throughout his career and became an astronaut. The best part of this story is that the library he was kicked out of is now named after him.”

For Nick, Black History Month is a celebratory time. It’s time for creating a space for everyone to learn more about the Black heroes of history and to celebrate them. He says this is a great time to reflect on where America is today and the work that continues to be done.

“It is great to see how accepting it is now to be a pilot of color,” Nick said. “I will never forget the time when a passenger saw that I was the pilot of his plane, and he was so amazed that he took a picture with me. I appreciate what it means to be a Black pilot and I’ll never take that for granted.”

Shaunie Pemberton – SLC Customer Service Agent

Shaunie knew she wanted to work in the travel industry, and her one requirement was that she be in aviation. She loves airplanes and always wanted to know more about the operation of an airline, a job with SkyWest was the best solution.

“I was super excited when I applied,” said Shaunie. “I had heard about the SkyWest family and how awesome the company was; nothing was going to stop me from joining!”

For Shaunie, Black History Month means learning and understanding the Black culture more. She’s grateful for the time dedicated to acknowledging the achievements of Black people throughout history.

“I can definitely see diversity growing in our industry,” she said. “It’s showing now. I appreciate the opportunity that SkyWest has created for us to share our thoughts on an important month.”

Emmanuel Ogbebor – LAX ERJ Captain

For Captain Emmanuel Ogbebor, Black History Month is the perfect time to discuss the Black pioneers who paved the way for him to become a pilot.

“This month carries a lot of value for me. It’s a time for me to remember who came before me,” said Captain Ogbebor. “I can’t help but think of one hero in particular, Theresa Claiborne. She was the first Black female pilot in the United States Airforce. She is the perfect example of why we recognize this month. Her determination to overcome so many barriers inspires me every day.”

Captain Ogbebor says that he can see those barriers in aviation disappearing today.

“Diversity in aviation is evolving in so many ways,” he said. “I witness the biggest evolvement in the many people I’ve worked with throughout my career. I’ve learned so much from my coworkers and friends of different backgrounds here at SkyWest.”

Becoming a pilot has always been the dream for Captain Ogbebor. Growing up in Nigeria, he knew that it would be a lot of work but was determined to be in the skies. Joining SkyWest proved that his dreams had come true.

“When I moved to the United States, I was determined to work hard and make my dream a reality,” said Captain Ogbebor. “SkyWest Airlines has provided me with so many opportunities, and now I live in a reality that I’m forever grateful for.”

Visit our careers page today to make your own aviation dreams come true.

SkyWest Celebrates Black History Month

February is Black History Month and SkyWest is honored to recognize our Black employees who help make us the best regional airline in the industry.

Throughout the month, we will feature updates from employees across the operation Sharing their thoughts about what Black History Month means to them and how their culture and background have shaped their experience at SkyWest.

Lanshina Cooper – Flight Attendant, LAX

Lanshina has been on the SkyWest team for more than two years. She loves her job and is inspired by her history every day to be better.

“Everyone calls me Shawna and I’m also a Pro Standards member at SkyWest. I wear my wings high,” she said. “I am proud to embody the SkyWest family and I’m proud to represent the diversity and inclusion here.”

Her passion for travel and aviation helped her gain a greater love for her job and appreciation for everyone around her. When she saw the post for an upcoming Black History Month story, she could not miss a chance to share a photo that was especially meaningful for her in this month.

“I was on a sit in the San Jose airport, and I noticed two other crews around me,” said Lanshina. “We started talking and we realized that we were all based in Los Angeles. One of us was most senior, the other I had started in training with, and the youngest in the photo had just graduated InFlight training. We were happy to be together and celebrating being on this SkyWest journey together.”

For Lanshina, Black History Month means accomplishing the impossible.

“There was a time in America that black women were not allowed to do much,” she said. “The women in this photo represent what we can do now, and the impossible that we’ve accomplished!”

Kevin Lindsay Jr. – Captain, ORD

Captain Kevin Lindsay began his SkyWest journey over three years ago. Prior to joining the team, he was working a corporate job as a medical transport pilot. He was searching for another path on his flying career when a friend told him about a SkyWest interview in Atlanta, Georgia.

“I wanted to do more than what I was doing at my corporate gig,” said Captain Lindsay. “So, I decided to do the interview with SkyWest and I’m glad that it worked out! A great part of joining the team has been meeting other Black pilots and uplifting each other. We’re all professionals and we’re supporting each other in a career that we all love.”

Captain Lindsay’s love for aviation began at a young age. He was inspired by many Black heroes of aviation but mainly Captain William Ronald (Bill) Norwood. He attended the same college as Bill and looks up to the work he’s done for the Black community and for all Black aviators.

“Bill Norwood is someone who I saw myself in and he’s the reason why I went to Southern Illinois University,” said Captain Lindsay. “Black History Month is so important because of my story. I saw myself in Bill, a Black man who flew airplanes and was out making a difference. I knew that I would join him one day, and that I could make a difference too. That’s what this month is all about, commemorating all the great things that Black people have done. It’s about recognizing our history of contributions and the many who’ve shaped the world. This is our month to show everyone.”

During this month, Captain Lindsay says we could all help improve Black visibility in aviation.

“Black communities need to see representation,” said Captain Lindsay. “Outreach programs to these communities and HBCU universities is what we need to see more. Diversity isn’t specific to aviation, we all know that, but if we could show more people that there are so many options in this field then we could truly see a difference. We need exposure and we need people to see themselves in us.”

Yolanda Morgan – Flight Attendant, ATL

Yolanda knew she needed to love her job and that she wanted more adventure. After a friend pointed her to an ad for SkyWest, she applied and never looked back. She was excited to travel and to step away from a complacent job in corporate America.

“I wanted something different,” said Yolanda. “I was working for the state of Utah in different capacities, but I needed more. SkyWest was something different and I’ve loved it! I’ve been here since 1999, and that should say something.”

For Yolanda, Black History Month is a great reminder of the dialogue that is needed when people are curious to know more about being Black. She’s excited and happy to share with whoever wants to learn. 

This month also encompasses what Yolanda believes are the amazing attributes of a Black person: valor, Black greatness, accomplishments, and pride in being Black in the United States.

“It took time but I really appreciate the time SkyWest puts into acknowledging this month,” she said. “There is always a learning curve and I feel that the company is progressing as they’ve taken the time to celebrate diversity and differences. I like it!”

National Compliment Day

Happy National Compliment Day! We regularly receive emails, phone calls, notes and letters complimenting the incredible team we have here at SkyWest. Here are just a few of the messages we have received highlighting the care and service our people have provided: 

Flight 3377 Crew

My four-year-old daughter and I were on flight 3377 from San Jose to San Diego. When we boarded the plane we were sad and full of emotion because we had just said bye to my parents at another gate. They were heading back to India. Both of them are in their late seventies and their health is not good at all. Consumed by the emotion, and not thinking clearly, we had left my daughter’s backpack at the gate and boarded our flight. When we got to our seats, I realized we didn’t have her bag. I let the flight attendant, Shannon, know and she actually offered to watch my daughter while I ran back to get the bag. I was floored at her kindness! I got the bag and re-boarded the plane to find the pilots, Eric and Kevin, in the flight deck talking to my daughter and showing her around with Shannon. I was almost in tears at the kindness! And as a father of a daughter, who wants her to believe that she can be anything she wants to be, including being a pilot, I appreciated just how AMAZING these two pilots and Shannon were! As if that weren’t enough, upon take-off, Eric made an announcement welcoming us by name, and Shannon brought over a bar of chocolate from the crew. 

This crew had no idea about what we were going through with our family, but they made such an impact on us, and especially on my four-year-old daughter. For a little while, they took away her sadness from saying goodbye to her aging grandparents, and made her appreciate and enjoy the incredible kindness of your staff.

Mason City, Iowa (MCW) Team

Rave to the United Airlines crew at MCW. Had a 1.5-hour delay taking off due to mechanical. They explained everything, made anxious passengers feel calm, and gave complimentary water and snacks while we waited. When the green light was given, they got us on the plane and got the flight out in record time.

Flight Attendant Rebekah M.

Our experience on this last flight with our flight attendant, Rebekah, was extraordinary! My wife and I were upgraded to first class and our adult son, with learning disabilities, sat alone in coach. The three of us decided to do this as he wants to be independent, and this was a good chance for him to fly independently – 10 rows behind us. My son was super nervous, and my wife and I were frazzled. Rebekah read the situation, gave him an extra snack, checked in on him, and ferried messages back and forth. She respected his desire for independence but also provided a safety net for him. No one told her about his learning disabilities and a lot of people can’t see it because he is really good at hiding them.Rebekah assured us that this was just part of her job. I’m a teacher and I hear what she is saying, but this was way beyond what we can reasonably expect. This experience made a huge difference on our flight, our day, and the entire trip.

First Officer Justin S.

I would like to recognize one of your SkyWest Pilots. His name is Justin. He assisted a wheelchair passenger who was pushed to the wrong gate. He happened to be at A6, where the passenger was pushed to but she really needed to board and fly out of B5. He pushed her from A6 to B5. He didn’t have to push her but he did. I appreciate his willingness to assist.

Flight Attendant Grace C.

I want to recognize one of your flight attendants, Grace C., for the unique and personal approach she took to say, “Thank you.” 

Boarding my flight was routine as usual, I found my seat and sat down. Once in the air, the flight attendant took drink orders and served them to us as usual. Time passed and I happened to look down at my napkin and noticed handwriting. Of course, I was curious, and I picked it up to read…I was curious and motioned to the flight attendant and asked if she wrote the note. She told me that she had. I was stunned. I informed her that in all my years of flying, this was the most personal, and unexpected approach I had ever seen. The fact that she took her time to write a note on every napkin is above and beyond, and should be recognized. I am hoping that Grace knows that I appreciate the outstanding approach to customer service.

SkyWest OCC Team

Thank you to the SkyWest OCC team for sharing their expertise and helping to get our students excited about aviation! Our K-5th graders were taught weather patterns and helped make clouds with a hands-on experiment. What a great way to share the love of aviation with our kids.

Every day our amazing SkyWest teams are providing exceptional service to thousands of passengers on more than 1,700 daily flights. If you’re ready to join our team, click here to see the open positions that are available right now.

SkyWest Employees Raise Thousands for Utah Food Bank

SkyWest people are known for giving back to the communities where we live and work, and we are proud to recognize SkyWest people for donating nearly $9,000 toward Utah Food Bank. SkyWest’s people mobilized quickly to donate $4,300, and the company match of the employee contributions bring the total donation to nearly $9,000.

The Utah SkyWest Team partnered with Utah Food Bank to fight hunger in the state SkyWest was founded. The Utah Food Bank can stretch each donated dollar into $9.04 worth of food and necessities, growing the impact of SkyWest’s contributions to nearly $80,000.

Last year, Utah Food Bank distributed 56.1 million meals via a statewide network of 230 partner agencies located in all 29 counties.

If you’re ready to be a part of a team that is known for giving back, check out our Careers page and apply today.


Recognizing A War Hero

SkyWest crewmembers Captain Jai Patel, First Officer Brian Osias and flight attendants Janae Hilton and Brenda Garrett recently had the chance to welcome August Sterling, onboard an American Eagle flight from Lake Charles Regional Airport (LCH) to Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). August was a frogman for the U.S. Navy in 1951 and a Korean War Veteran. This flight was his first air flight and was taken to celebrate his 90th birthday with his family in Dallas.

During the Korean War, August was captured by the Korean Army while setting charges to a bridge they were about to destroy.

“When we came up from the water, we were shocked and surprised. It was something to behold. They shot in the water to scare us and so we couldn’t swim away. We couldn’t escape the bullets in the water, so we gave in.”

Out of the five frogmen, only two survived. They were kept in prison for over two and a half years.

“They would beat us 25 hours a day, and we don’t have 25 hours in a day,” said August. “They didn’t stop trying to get information out of us. Asking us for everything we knew and all we would reply with was our name, rank and serial number.”

Finally with the war over, President Dwight Eisenhower negotiated a prisoner exchange, releasing August Sterling and others. He had two broken legs, a broken arm and had to have a metal plate surgically implanted. After being released from the POW camp in Korea, he was sent back to Lake Charles to be treated at St. Patrick’s Hospital.

We are honored to have the chance to celebrate August Sterling on his 90th birthday and we are forever grateful for his service to our country.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Over the last 30 days, we’ve heard stories from SkyWest people that have shed light on the Hispanic culture and how their culture has shaped their stories. As Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close, we have several more stories to share:

Alfonso Giron Deola – CRJ Captain, ORD
Christian Alvarado Lopez – CRJ First Officer, ORD

Captain Alfonso Giron Deola and First Officer Christian Alvarado Lopez are both from Guatemala City. Captain Giron Deola started at SkyWest more than five years ago and last month was the first time he has flown with someone from his home country. Flying together was an honor for both of them.

In 2017, Christian came to America with an M1 visa to study in Miami, Florida. He worked tirelessly to be able to become a SkyWest pilot.

“SkyWest is an airline that does not judge where you come from, your color, or your ethnicity,” said First Officer Alvarado Lopez. “And I hope to meet more Hispanic pilots throughout my career here.”

Elide Flores – Flight Attendant, LAX

Elide Flores is a second-generation immigrant. Her parents came from Mexico in their early 20s with hopes for a better life.

After joining the SkyWest team earlier this year, Elide was assigned Chicago (ORD) as her base. Her parents are protective and coming from a tightknit, Latina family, they wanted Elide to stay in Phoenix where they live and find a job close to home. Telling her parents she was moving across the country came as a shock to them.

“I insisted that this is exactly what I want and what I signed up for,” said Elide. “I’ve been in ORD for three months and I absolutely love it!”

This is the first time Elide has been away from her family for long periods of time and she is slowly becoming used to it. She keeps in touch with her parents and updates them on her overnight trips.

“Being a daughter of immigrants and having the opportunity to work in an industry where there aren’t as many Latinos is awesome,” said Elide. “I get to be a role model for the Latin passengers who are aspiring flight attendants.”

At the end of the day, Elide knows the sacrifices her parents made to get to this country were worth it. She wouldn’t change it for anything.

Learn how you can join our incredible team by visiting our careers page today.
