44 Years of SkyWest

Forty-four years ago this week, SkyWest completed its first scheduled flight. Since that time, it has gone from three part-time employees to more than 11,000, and expanded from one route running from St. George, Utah to Salt Lake City via Cedar City, Utah to more than
200 destinations throughout North America.


SkyWest has weathered industry tumult and change better than most, and has grown extensively guided by timeless principles throughout its rich, 44-year history.

“SkyWest is a successful company because we have an amazing team of people who are focused on doing the right things right,” said President and CEO Chip Childs. “Staying focused on the fundamentals: taking the best care of our people, our customers and our shareholders; we have teams with a real desire to lead the industry and who are willing to work for that.”

SkyWest is successful because of its people. Whether dealing with industry changes or tremendous growth, SkyWest people work together to provide impeccable service and continue to succeed.

Do you want to become a part of the SkyWest legacy and see what it’s like to be on a winning team? Check out www.skywest.com/careers and start your SkyWest journey today!

Hays: Small-Town Charm and Big-Time Fun!

Hays, Kansas is known as a place with small-town charm and big-time fun! And the friendliness of those who call Hays home is evident to travelers who are enjoying a family vacation, business trip, sporting event or even just passing through.

In town, there is always something exciting and interesting happening throughout the year, including the “Great Planes on the Plains” fly-in, which will be held June 7-12 at Hays Regional Airport. This year, Universal Helicopter, Kansas State University-Salina, the Civil Air Patrol and the Arizona Commemorative Air Force, among others, will be in attendance. The Commemorative Air Force will also be offering tours and rides in a B-25 Mitchell Bomber that flew combat missions in World War II. This yearly event is sure to provide an educational, fun-filled weekend for all those who attend.

Those making their first visit to this historic frontier town will definitely appreciate the many low- or no-cost attractions that are available, including the chance to learn about Hays’ often dangerous early days when the town was filled with railroad workers, desperados and other notorious characters. The city also offers historic downtown tours and shopping, a look into frontier military history, annual festivals and sporting events, art studios and performing art, and much more!

In its early days, Hays developed a reputation for lawlessness and as a tough “end of the tracks” town. During several months in 1869, James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok served as an interim sheriff to quell the almost constant homicides, bloodshed and feuds. Visitors can experience some of this history with a trip through time on a self-guided walking tour of downtown. Twenty-five bronze plaques mark the route where some of the most famous and notorious characters lived and walked.

The Fort Hays Historic Site offers a glimpse into a soldier’s frontier life in this unique location that was founded to protect settlers from native resistance. Today, visitors can see the original blockhouse, guardhouse and officers’ quarters, and the information center provides exhibits and artifacts about the fort and military history.

Get started on an historical adventure to Hays aboard one of the two daily SkyWest Airlines flights, operating as United Express from Denver. The best fares can be found at united.com.

SkyWest Sets Performance Record with 40,000+ Flights!

SkyWest Airlines’ performance record continues, reaching 22 days 16 hours (and counting) without a controllable cancel. That means outside of weather and air traffic control-related issues, since Sunday, May 15, SkyWest has completed over 40,000 consecutive flights. This new record nearly doubles the previous record, set in March 2016, of 11 days 23 hours.

This is an extraordinary accomplishment that shows the dedicated, consistent work of SkyWest’s more than 11,500 people. The airline’s strong culture of professionalism, teamwork and success permeates the company from top to bottom and continues to set SkyWest apart from its competitors. Known for its unmatched team that works together for outstanding service and reliability, these aviation professionals operate nearly 1,900 flights each day to 209 destinations throughout North America with a fleet of 356 aircraft.

“This type of performance is only possible with exceptional planning and teamwork  from every employee,” said Mike Thompson, SkyWest Airlines Chief Operating Officer. “Our team has done a truly impressive job getting to this point, translating to real improvements as we continue to set a new reliability standard. We’re proud to kick off a strong start to summer and look forward to continuing to deliver the exceptional, reliable product our passengers have come to expect from SkyWest.”



SkyWest strives to be the airline partner, employer and investment of choice, and in recent months has inked new flying agreements with each of four mainline partners – United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and Alaska Airlines. This record performance also helped Delta Connection achieve its own record this past month.

Interested in joining the SkyWest team? Learn more on skywest.com/careers.

Read more stories about SkyWest People in Action.

SkyWest Salutes Our Military Members

On Memorial Day, SkyWest remembers the men and women of the U.S. armed forces that gave their lives, making the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms.

image3At SkyWest, we proudly support more than 1,000 active or retired military members across our operation, and honor thousands more employees who support family members serving. Many SkyWest employees are currently deployed while those who are not could be called upon at any moment to leave their families, jobs and other responsibilities to help defend our country.

SkyWest is committed to doing all possible to support these service members and was recently recognized by the 133rd Airlift Wing for our efforts in supporting six of our pilots in the Minnesota National Guard. Minneapolis Assistant Chief Pilot Chris Mayer represented SkyWest at the ceremony.image5

“These six individuals, along with all of SkyWest’s other service members, balance both civilian and military careers with pride, distinction and very high levels of professionalism,” said Captain Mayer. “We should all be very proud of their contributions to both.”

Following the presentation, Captain Mayer and the rest of the employers in attendance were briefed before going for a two hour flight in one of eight C-130h models assigned to the wing.

“As an Air Force veteran, I was both honored and yet humbled by this experience,” said Captain Mayer. “They did a remarkable job!”

Thank you to all of our SkyWest team members and all of the men and women of the United States military who proudly serve and have served, and the family members who support them. Your dedication and sacrifice is appreciated today and throughout the year.


How to Become a SkyWest Flight Attendant

SkyWest Flight Attendants are safety professionals who enjoy helping others with a smile. They have the confidence and training to handle any situation they may encounter, both on the ground and at 35,000 feet in the air. To join the dynamic InFlight team and earn a pair of wings, follow these steps:

  1. Review the Flight Attendant Career Guide
  2. Submit an online application for the Flight Attendant position
  3. Attend an InFlight group interview at one of our upcoming group interview locations; No invitation is needed
  4. Group interviews follow the same format at all locations: Applicants should wear business attire, bring a resume and check in for the group interview between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. InFlight recruiters will give a brief presentation about SkyWest, the Flight Attendant position requirements and the available training class dates
  5. There is a short break for applicants to ask questions and consider the requirements, such a potential relocation, schedule flexibility and the ability to attend the 31 days of training on the dates available
  6. Applicants continue with the interview process by each taking a turn explaining, in one minute, why they would be a great Flight Attendant to the group
  7. Immediately following, recruiters review resumes and notes on their presentations
  8. A list will be posted of the applicants selected for an individual interview that night
  9. Following the one-on-one interview, applicants will be notified within two weeks of the results, and if selected for the Flight Attendant position, the email will contain a conditional offer of employment and ask the applicant to confirm or decline the offer
  10. Those who accept the offer will be confirmed in an InFlight Initial New Hire training class and emailed a study packet two to three weeks prior to their class date
  11. Training focuses on safety and applicants must adhere to the guidelines and policies set forth and successfully complete the curriculum

Following training, new SkyWest Flight Attendants begin their dynamic and exciting role which allows them to travel, meet new people and take on new challenges every day.

Read more articles about applying at SkyWest.

Take Control: 360° Takeoff Video

Ready to take control of your career? Picture yourself doing just that in our 360 degree takeoff video! See what it’s like to sit at the controls and takeoff from the flight deck of one of our E175 aircraft in Boise, Idaho.

SkyWest pilots have more opportunities and exposure than any other regional pilots – flying for four major airlines, in more new jets of any regional and with over a dozen domiciles around the country. Why limit yourself? Take control of your career today by applying at skywest.com!




SkyWest Welcomes “Future Flyers!”

IMG_1412SkyWest people across the system gave their Future Flyers a firsthand look into daily operations through Bring Our Kids to Work Day. Parents and grandparents participated by showing their kids the hard work they do to make SkyWest great and highlighting the diverse jobs and skill-sets it takes to keep the operation running.

From tracking aircraft mid-flight in the Operations Control Center to learning to marshal aircraft and inspecting aircraft parts, the kids in attendance were able to enjoy a variety of unique experiences to inspire creativity, curiosity and learning.

At the North Bend, Oregon (OTH) SkyWest location, children were able to see the entire process of preparing for an arriving and departing aircraft. They participated in equipment checks, load planning, ramp set-up, the check-in process and security screening.RNO

At the Reno, Nevada (RNO) station, crewmembers escorted kids aboard a SkyWest aircraft to learn more about the captain, first officer and flight attendant roles at SkyWest. The kids were presented with their wings to become honorary pilots after visiting with a SkyWest first officer to learn what it takes to be a great employee.

Beyond the direct SkyWest operation, kids at the Lewiston, Idaho (LWS) and Eau Claire, Wisconsin (EAU) stations were able to learn about some of the airline’s important partners that help keep the airline running safely. Local TSA Agents spoke shared a presentation on standards of safety and some of the machines they use to assist in the job. The airport also showed the kids their airport fire truck as the children learned about how the airline and airport work together.04-29_BOKTWD-289

Pepper Siegel, cross utilized supervisor in Pasco, Washington (PSC) said, “my son appreciated how friendly all of the agents working were and how they were all willing to show him how things operate. Neither of us can wait to see what is planned for next year! ” It was a memorable experience for all and a great reminder that it truly is the people that make SkyWest great.

Speaking to the kids participating at headquarters, SkyWest, Inc. CEO Chip Childs said, “at SkyWest, we are able to do what we do so well because of your parents and grandparents.” He continued, “I want you to go home and thank your parents, because the work hard and the work they do really is for you; so you can have the opportunities when you are older to work at a fantastic place like SkyWest.”

Families that Fly Together: Thanks Mom!

For some, being a flight attendant at SkyWest runs in the family! We tracked down just a few of our InFlight families to give them a chance to say “Thanks, Mom”.

This last month, MSP based Flight Attendant Casey Buchanan was able to have a unique experience with her mother Maureen Buchanan  – Flight Attendant, LAX when they flew their first trip together!

FA Mother's Day“We had been trying for months to work together, since we’re in different bases, and it finally happened!” Casey said. “We both learned for each other, which was fun for us.”

Maureen started at SkyWest five years ago, and from the beginning she talked to Casey about joining the company.

“My mom always wanted to be a flight attendant, as did I. We both love adventure and meeting new people. She had always put things on hold so she could be at home with us girls. It was her time to do something for her, that she always wanted,” Casey said. “Watching her go after a lifelong dream of being a flight attendant when I was 19 was very inspiring. She not only went after her dream, but has accomplished it and grown from the experience. She is funny, hardworking, easy to talk to and doesn’t give up. As flight attendants we have brutal days, as a mother you have brutal years – especially raising three daughters – and she never gave up on us or on her dreams.”

Mothers Day 2016Maureen was able to pin on Casey’s wings this past September and as Casey explained, has been her rock during her first year as a flight attendant.

“She would text me every morning to say good luck and she sat up with me some nights during training and my first few months when things got hard. I wouldn’t have been able to make it through without her, once again, being my cheerleader,” Casey said. “She’s the best mom I could ever ask for and I am so happy to be following in her footsteps here at SkyWest!”

“We both love to work with people and give excellent service. We also love to travel and are very spontaneous,” added Maureen. “We love working for SkyWest. SkyWest is family and so are we and we feel this is our home.”

One mother-daughter team that loves to fly together is Jessica Henline – director of InFlight training and her mom, Kaye Manrique – Flight Attendant, SLC.

“When we fly together it’s like a mini-vacation!” Jessica said. “It’s so much fun! My mom is not only an amazing person and mother but she is the best flight attendant I have ever flown with!

Mothers Day 2016 storyKaye came to SkyWest in 1990 and has been a flight attendant (and held many positions in the InFlight department) for 26 years!

“I was raised with my mom being a flight attendant and grew up with the SkyWest family. People say aviation gets in your blood and I certainly agree with that!” said Jessica. “The career is like no other career in the world.“

Jessica explained that both her and her mom love being around people and making a positive impression on their day, so that is ultimately why they love their jobs.  Jessica went on to praise her mom saying, “My mom’s caring and giving heart is what makes her a great mother and flight attendant. She truly cares about the passengers and people in general and having her as an example in my life is part of what has made me the person, mother and flight attendant I am today.”

And just a few days ago, Jennifer Wilson – Flight Attendant, LAX celebrated her fifth year with SkyWest and there to surprise her and present her with her five-year anniversary wings was her son Julian Jenkins, Manager of InFlight Services.

Julian & Mom“Presenting her with her wings was a cool experience. She pinned my wings when I graduated from training and I was grateful for the opportunity to return the favor,” Julian said. “She started as a flight attendant a little over a year before she inspired me to do the same.”

While Julian and Jennifer haven’t had the chance to fly a trip together, they have traded planes with one another and enjoyed being able to meet up on breaks.

“Anyone who flies with her can attest that she is always a cheerful worker. She talks and smiles and connects with her crew and customers. She makes an excellent flight attendant because she has a passion for serving others and acts accordingly,” said Julian. “She’s a great mom because, among other things, she gave her best to her three boys and provided us with luxuries that she did not have while growing up. We have excelled because of her love, and we honor her for her dedication.”

Come join the SkyWest family! You can find information about SkyWest careers here.

My SkyWest Journey: Kaleb Lusby

One of SkyWest’s former captains, Kaleb Lusby, recently wrote a letter describing how he got started at SkyWest and how the nine years he spent at the airline prepared him to get his dream job at a legacy carrier. Here’s his story:


When SkyWest Airlines hired me in 2007, it was apparent immediately that this was a different kind of airline. The environment in which I worked was one that cultivated joy and fulfillment, and helped mold me into the pilot I am today.

My aviation journey started in January 2001 when I was a high school senior wanting to become an airline pilot. I accomplished ground school while finishing my last semester of high school. After graduation I started my flight training at the local airport. By August I was a certified private pilot and, I began my college education at University of Central Missouri in the Professional Pilot Program.

While accomplishing my four year degree, I was also earning credits for flying. This took dedication and passion, flying over weekends, training over breaks and lots of long nights studying. My junior year in college I was hired as a flight instructor for UCM. I spent my final two years building flight time and training some of the best aviators around. My final semester at college, the local dispatch received a call from an air ambulance pilot who had been through the flight program in the past and was looking for a copilot. After interviewing, I was selected and spent two years flying for Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City as an air ambulance pilot.

Then, in February of 2007, I was hired at SkyWest and started training soon after. The tone the instructors set was caring and understanding. If you needed help and asked, you would receive it. Spending time in the right seat as a first officer, I approached every trip as a learning experience, knowing soon I would be in the left seat and commanding the aircraft. SkyWest people take care of their customers and each other.

Once I upgraded to Captain, I could see that the “tone” of the flight was largely dependent upon my actions and attitude. SkyWest had been preparing me for this seat since day one. Little did I know that SkyWest crewmembers had been modeling what it meant to take care of each other, to operate on time and perform with safety as the number one priority. It doesn’t end in the flight deck either; everyone involved has like-minded goals.

During my time as a captain I applied to be a pilot recruiter as well. This was truly an honor to be a part of, because everything that makes this company what it is, starts with who we hire. The people of SkyWest make this company a truly different kind of airline.

This culture that I worked in for nine years helped mold me. And having some of the best training and leadership available, flying great aircraft with phenomenal crews, all within a culture that is truly amazing, helped me to land a job at a legacy airline. Everything I learned during my time at SkyWest has benefited me in my career.

SkyWest is the kind of airline you can stay at for your entire career; however, my dreams and ambitions involved overseas flying. Thank you, SkyWest, for nine wonderful years.




Kaleb Lusby – MD88 First Officer


SkyWest has been partners with major airlines for decades and we’ve recently signed new flying agreements with United Airlines, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and Alaska Airlines, giving our pilots more opportunity and exposure than any other regional pilot. Take control of your career with SkyWest. Check out our pilot career guide for more information.