SkyWest Maintenance Teams Give Back in Salt Lake City

SkyWest’s maintenance team is among the best in the industry; and their experience working nose to tail on our four fleet types provides an unmatched level of expertise. Recently, mechanics at our SLC (Salt Lake City) maintenance base volunteered their time and expertise to the Leonardo Museum, sharing their love for the miracle of flight with the museum’s 180,000 annual visitors. After helping to reconstruct a C-131 aircraft inside the museum for the opening of the FLIGHT exhibit earlier this year, the SkyWest Maintenance team volunteered their time to restore the plane’s luster and shine.Leo Ryan and Kim

“Working on aircraft is part of the love of being a mechanic; giving back to the community is an added bonus,” said Donovan Johnson – Coordinator Maintenance Facilities, SLC. “The Leonardo is an important part of Salt Lake, and we’re happy to do our part to make our community a little better.

Cleaning a 1950’s military era twin-engine aircraft like the C-131 is no simple task. After the museum closed each night, SkyWest people worked to buff, polish and clean the aircraft, bringing its ‘50’s era luster back for the tens of thousands of museum visitors. The volunteers worked through the night for four days straight, using various cleaning and polish equipment as they covered themselves in dust and grime to transform the aircraft from dull to sparkling. By the time they were done, the C-131 had enough shine to see your own reflection!

SkyWest mechanics are a team of nearly 1,000 professionals who work at 12 bases across the United States. They work on the regional industry’s largest – and growing – fleet of 360 aircraft from nose to tail. These highly qualified individuals provide for the safe transportation of more than 30 million SkyWest passengers each year. Their work on the Leonardo is just one example of the hard work and pride that SkyWest professionals take in every aircraft they touch. Thank you to those who volunteered their time and talents to help give back to the community.

Leo Team

Interested in joining our team of professional mechanics? We have openings at bases and are offering moving expense reimbursement! Click here to find out more about becoming a SkyWest mechanic and to apply.

The Leonardo Museum was created to embody the spirit of the Renaissance Man and help the community discover their inner genius. For more information about the FLIGHT exhibit at The Leonardo, click here.

Ready for Takeoff: Future Pilot in the Making

14947858_10154222863843191_318904850530337316_nIn his excitement to travel from Chicago to Moline, Illinois, little 3-year-old Declan Halpin had been running around in his fire truck jammies pretending to be a pilot all day.

“Declan could not have been more excited about flying ‘way up in the sky’ in an airplane,” Declan’s mother, Elizabeth Halpin, said.

When the SkyWest flight landed in Moline, Elizabeth and her two young boys waited to let everyone out before gathering their bags.

“[Declan and his 18-month-old brother] said goodbye to each of the passengers just like the flight attendant,” Elizabeth said.

pilotblogSkyWest Captain Michael Murphy noticed the boys and left the flight deck to help.

“I left the cockpit and went back to help a family,” said Captain Murphy. “Traveling with kids requires a few extra hands.”

But he offered more than just a helping hand; he invited the excited boy into the flight deck. No more make believe for Declan – he was now in a real pilot seat of a CRJ200.

“I like having kids come in the cockpit; they love buttons,” Captain Murphy said. “The little boy was excited so I asked the First Officer if we could use his seat for a bit. We pushed buttons, made 14908405_10154222864008191_3964536153415980647_nnoise and even talked into the P.A. Declan had a good time and he put a smile on my face for the rest of the day!”

After they left the aircraft, Captain Murphy’s actions inspired Elizabeth to share the story of how the SkyWest pilot made her son’s day and a memory to last a lifetime.

Thank you, Captain Murphy, for sharing your love of aviation and demonstrating above and beyond service! At SkyWest, professionals like Captain Murphy put our guiding principles of excellent service and quality to work each day.

Learn how you can join our team at

Honoring Our Veterans

2015_veterans_daySkyWest is home to more than 1,000 men and women who are serving or have served our country, many of whom are in the reserves and can be called on at any moment to active service. As part of our team of more than 11,000, these brave individuals put their background and experience to work to provide safe, exceptional service to more than 30 million SkyWest passengers each year.

As we pause to honor our veterans on this day, SkyWest Corporate Communications manager Layne Watson shares a story about his grandfather, Lynn Watson, who served in the Army during WWII.

My grandfather served in the 104th Infantry Division during World War II. He and his division were near Antwerp, Belgium when the Battle of the Bulge began. General Eisenhower called my grandfather’s general and told him, “You have Germans on three sides of you. If you want to pull back, you have my permission.”

Every time my grandfather would tell me this story he would tear up as he recalled his general’sgrandpa-watson response: “We paid for this ground in blood and we are keeping it!”

Sure enough, the town that the 104th had taken was soon under German attack. Eventually, my grandfather and one other soldier were separated from the rest of their troop and the town was surrounded by German forces. The two of them took cover in an old barn. My grandfather would later discover that he and his comrade were presumed dead.

For the next 48 hours, my grandfather eluded German forces (and friendly bombing) before making it to a safe zone. When he returned to his outfit, they were preparing to send his belongings to my grandmother with the news that he had been killed in action. My grandmother would always recall how grateful she was to have never received that notice.

I am incredibly grateful for my grandfather and the countless other brave souls like him who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms.

Please join us in honoring and saluting all of our U.S. military members for their brave and selfless service to help protect the freedoms we enjoy.

Behind the Scenes Look At Our Operation in Action

At SkyWest, our people work together to complete 1,800 flights each day to more than 200 destinations across North America. Catch a glimpse of our operation with this 360 degree time-lapse video recorded this summer at our SLC hub. Each day SkyWest completes more than 130 departures from Terminal 2 of the Salt Lake City International Airport (hint: keep an eye on the graphics in the video to see our flight schedule each hour of the day, and scroll around to get your 360 view).

Don’t let any more time lapse – join our team of more than 11,000 aviation professionals located at stations, bases and hubs across North America. Take Control of Your Career with SkyWest Airlines! Apply today at


Celebrating SkyWest People: Appreciation Week 2016

Through food, games, fun and more food, the SkyWest team of over 11,500 employees celebrated each other and their phenomenal successes from the past year as they’ve worked together to operate more than 1,800 flights every day.

The past week was spent celebrating the people that make SkyWest great. Through continued hard work, SkyWest has met many of their 2016 goals. An illustration of SkyWest teamwork is the significant improvements to the overall operational performance, bringing a record amount of Performance Reward payouts for the first half of this year. And not only do the SkyWest people work hard, but they take care of each other.

Standout service moments happened across the system and employees recognized their teammates who go above and beyond! To see some of the fun, check out some of the 2016 Appreciation Week photos below.


Remembering 9/11

Sunday, Sept. 11 will mark 15 years since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 claimed nearly 3,000 lives. Few events are as indelibly inked upon our minds as the events of 9/11.  No matter where you were or what you were doing on that fateful day, chances are you remember it vividly.  There is no doubt that the events of 9/11 changed our nation and our industry.

This week, we remember and honor those who lost their lives at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, those on board American Flight 11, American Flight 77, United Flight 93 and United Flight 175, as well as the first responders and the many heroes whose first thoughts were not of themselves, but of others.  We are grateful for all them and for all who continue to work to preserve our freedoms. Following are just a few ways you can honor and pay tribute this week:

  1. FLY your flag at half-staff for the 2,996 innocent human beings and 11 unborn babies who lost their lives, as well as the service members who died or were wounded in Operation Enduring Freedom.
  2. TAP into the love of country that flows through your veins. Give blood to the Red Cross to show solidarity with the more than 6,000 injured on that day.
  3. SHARE your memories of the attacks with loved ones and friends.
  4. POST an appropriate picture or remembrance on social media to show your solidarity with the many innocent victims.
  5. PARTICIPATE in a local 9/11 Stair Climb to show gratitude and understanding for the grueling conditions our first responders perform under in the line of duty.
  6. VISIT a local 9/11 memorial in your area, or one of the year-round memorials in Manhattan, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
  7. VOLUNTEER through one of the many non-profit organizations dedicated to preserving September 11th as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.
  8. DONATE to a charity that supports the families of 9/11 victims, museums, and other beneficial programs.1200x630_remembering_9-11_facebook

SkyWest Scholarship Program Helps 32 Students Achieve Academic Goals

As the new school year begins, 32 SkyWest Airlines employees and family members will pursue their higher education aspirations with a little help from the SkyWest Scholarship Program. This year SkyWest awarded 32 scholarships totaling $40,000 in recognition of outstanding academic achievement, helping our SkyWest people and their families pursue their educational aspirations.

Scholarship Recipient Tara Pendleton

Scholarship Recipient Tara Pendleton

This year’s scholarship recipients come from a variety backgrounds and represent a wide range of academic ambitions. One of our Presidential Scholarship recipient – Jessica Harris – plans to pursue a dual degree in Aerospace Engineering and Applied Math with a minor in Economics. Upon graduation she hopes to focus on improving our nation’s security by contributing to the field of satellite surveillance and research. Another Presidential Scholarship recipient – Tara Pendleton – plans to use her scholarship funds to study Engineering while maintaining a focus on international development and service. From college freshmen to graduate level studies, each of the recipients has shown their ability to excel and SkyWest is proud to fuel our next generation and help them achieve their dreams.

Recipients were selected by the SkyWest Scholarship Committee comprised of employee representatives, who assessed each applicant individually based on a number of criteria, including GPA, career interest, extra-curricular activities, future goals, unique challenges and a letter of recommendation. Applicants to the program are each high achievers, proving that SkyWest is home to some of the best and brightest in the industry!

BreakingNews_Scholarships_2016The SkyWest Scholarship Program was introduced in 2003 and has raised more than $400,000 to assist the higher education of more than 500 members of the SkyWest team and their eligible family members. These funds are raised by donations from fellow employees in conjunction with SkyWest’s annual Mini Indy.

Congratulations and best of luck to all 32 of the 2016 SkyWest Scholarship recipients!

Supporting The Miracle of Flight


As the largest regional airline providing safe and reliable air service to more than 30 million passengers each year, the miracle of flight is at the center of the world we at SkyWest live and breathe every day. Our 11,700 professionals not only utilize their skills and expertise on a daily basis to safely carry more than 30 million passengers a year, but we also are active contributors to the communities where we live and work. So when the opportunity arose to be a part of the new FLIGHT exhibit at The Leonardo museum in SLC, SkyWest was a natural fit!

To help inspire and educate museum goers, SkyWest donated hundreds of used aircraft parts, components and, perhaps more importantly, members of the maintenance team donated their own time to assist in reconstructing parts of the exhibit. While SkyWest has never operated the C-131, our maintenance experts assembled the aircraft (inside of the museum!), which serves as the exhibit’s main attraction.


Hunt at The Leonardo

“SkyWest was founded on the belief that, through collaboration and innovation, we could improve our communities and the world around us,” said Lori Hunt, SkyWest VP of People. “It’s clear that our core principles resonate with the museum and its mission toward that same innovation and creativity. By sharing our love for flight with visitors, we’ll continue to inspire progress, evolution and excellence in the world of aviation.”

“We couldn’t have completed the exhibit without SkyWest’s generous donation, time and expertise in aviation,” said Alexandra Hesse, Executive Director of The Leonardo. “They were truly a community partner and we are so proud to have them here as the largest carrier in Salt Lake City.”

The Leonardo’s FLIGHT exhibit is an immersive experience into the world and ecosystem of flight, featuring several components and displays. Of course, putting together such an exhibit, that includes a rebuilt C-131 aircraft, flight simulators and aircraft parts, requires authentic materials and professional expertise to assemble those materials. The exhibit opened Aug. 6 and is expected to be at the museum for at least two years. For more information about the exhibit, visit

Why First Class Pilots Choose SkyWest

Put it all together and it’s clear that SkyWest pilots have more opportunity, exposure and access than any other regional pilot in the industry!

Today, SkyWest’s nearly 4,000 pilots operate more than 1,800 flights each day to more than 200 destinations throughout North America. But it doesn’t stop there – SkyWest is currently hiring new pilots to support the company’s continuing growth and new aircraft. The application process is streamlined, making it easy to take control of your career today. Find out more information about our pilot careers, or simply complete the application on and a pilot recruiter will reach out to set up a convenient time for your interview. Take Control of Your Career. Apply at SkyWest Airlines today.